Hey there cutie! Well, your first BIG day with us has come and gone. I say BIG day because we loved on you for several hours the two weeks prior to your mommy's return to work too but yesterday you were with us all day! Your daddy dropped you off bright and early at 7. Let it be known now your CC isn't a morning person so your daddy will catch me in my jammies, no make up and hair a mess a lot :) We had a fun morning of playtime before your nap. You didn't fuss one bit when I put you down for either your morning or afternoon nap. That could be chalked up to the fact that we wore you out slick (and the fact that it was almost 3 hours between the 2 naps). I spent a few minutes earlier in the week setting up your "permanent residence" within our house in Gabrielle's bedroom. I hadn't really told her my plan but she was so cute when she arrived home from school. She proclaimed "Mom, I really like how you rearranged my things." No mention of the fact that a pack n play took up house in her play area. Sweet girl!
After morning nap I took the opportunity to snap a handful of pictures of you. Your mommy had you dressed in the cutest little bear shirt. Ha! How fitting! Check out the drool in that bottom picture. You were so full of smiles. I'm sure the laughs are soon to come.
If you weren't playing with a toy you kept your hands busy at all times. You are even showing a bit of interest in assisting in holding the bottle. There is something so precious about a little ones hands and feet.
On a side note, I got an A for the day in cloth diapering. They really are so effortless. I got a kick out of the fun fabric (fuzzy) and bold colors you sported throughout the day. I fully understand the need for larger pants now that I have changed a few cloth diapers. Those puppies take up a whole lot more room than disposables :)
Until next week when we have more time to play ...