So I've been rather shocked this week. On New Year's Eve, Little Bear asked several times to go pee pee. So, I took him to the bathroom and sat him on the big toilet, because he didn't want to sit on his little one. Nothing happened, but I encouraged his interest. Well, later that night when we got home from supper, he was very adamant that he had to go pee pee. So, I took him to the bathroom, sang him a song about him going pee pee on the potty. Before you know it, he actually peed. I couldn't believe it!!! I praised him and Little Bear got all excited and clapped, then flushed the toilet. The next day we were at some family's house and he didn't say much. But, then yesterday, multiple times a day he said he needed to go pee pee. Although he never, went I again was excited he was even showing interest. In the morning yesterday, he said he needed to go poo poo. After me singing a potty song for a while, he started grunting and lo and behold, he actually went poo poo in the toilet. I had him sit there for a while to make sure he was done. He said he was, so I got him off the toilet. However, he wouldn't let me put his diaper back on and ran around the house without a diaper. He ran into the living while I washed up and I soon heard him hollering. I went to check on him and found him in a corner complaining about poo poo and his dirty toe. He had pooped on the rug in our living room. I told him it was OK and that we all have accidents and then proceeded to get him into the bathtub. I rewarded his actually going in the potty with M&Ms. I told him then that every time he went poo poo or pee pee in the potty, he could have a piece of candy. This may be why he said multiple times yesterday that he had to go to the potty. Now, I haven't read any books and I'm just going off of what I think and some of what I've heard other people say. I honestly wasn't prepared to start potty training him till maybe the summer. So, I'm rather unprepared for how to handle this. However, I do know that I want to encourage his interest and not lose this window of opportunity. I decided that I'm not going to do any intense potty training right now, but just encourage his current interest. I would love to not have to change any more of his diapers. Does anyone have any great resources that they recommend for potty training a boy or any ideas for how you handled it? I'm definitely open to any ideas someone has.
Happy boy totally "cheesing" it up for the camera |