
4 Months Old

Yesterday was a big day for Micah.  He turned 4 months old.  It's hard to believe he's been in our lives that long.  He is such a joy to us and those around us.  I was in a women's Bible study yesterday and Little Bear was all smiles.  He made all the women smile.  He definitely grabs your heart.  He's definitely growing and growing.  I already have him in some 9 month onesies and shorts.  Part of that is because we are doing cloth diapers.  Someday I will dedicate a post to cloth diapers and why we've chosen to use them.  Recently I bought an ExerSaucer at a garage sale.  Little Bear LOVES it!!!  He turns himself around and around and plays with all the toys.  I also bought a Bumbo seat and tray at a consignment sale.  He usually ends up tipped sideways slightly when he's in it, but it's so cute to watch him interact with the toys on the tray.  He's really starting to laugh/giggle and smile all the time.
He continues to nap well during the day.  Since I've been back to work he's continuing to improve with the bottle.  I'm glad to know that he isn't starved while I'm gone.  He certainly is glad to see me when I get home though which totally warms my heart.  Since Mark drops him off and picks him up from CC's house, father and son get some quality time together.  I would love to be a fly on the wall to listen to their "conversations."  The other big event today is that it's Mama and Papa Bear's 3 year wedding anniversary.  CC was kind enough to watch Little Bear last night so we could go out to celebrate.  We had a great evening with some good food, good wine, and a view overlooking a lake.  It was nice to reconnect again as a couple.  We were glad to see Little Bear though when we picked him up.

Little Bear's first piano lesson

sittin' back checkin' out the toys

going for the rattle

impressing the gals at Bible study

checking everything out in the exersaucer

focusing on the toys

"Mom, why are you bothering me? Can't you see I'm busy playing?"

so focused - I think he's gonna be a thinker like his daddy

4 months and growing

happy little boy

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