
Little Bear, Little Bear, what do you see?
I see CC looking at me.
Little Bear, Little Bear, what do you see?
I see CC taking cute pictures of me.
Little Bear, Little Bear, what do you see? 
I see CC smiling back at me.
LB, you have definitely grown leaps and bounds in both statue and development. You are now getting everywhere you wish to be at fast speed, interacting with McKenna, Dawson and Gabrielle & you absolutely love Mr. Wes (it's a mutual affection) as he talks your language fluently and he swoops you up and loves on you when he gets the chance. You eat your own weight in food. No joke kiddo. You love you some food! I don't blame ya. I side with you on this. I still L.O.V.E. your big brown eyes and cute smile. What I don't like? {You didn't ask, but I'm going to tell anyway.} I cringe every time you grind your teeth and it is becoming more often as of lately. You're also a little stinker at times when it comes to diaper changes. You like to roll over and begin to move away but I tickle your thighs and pull you back my direction. You are such a tiny man version of a fashionista when it comes to your wide array of cloth diapers. From brights, to fuzzy ones, to some pretty cool prints. You rock em' all! It's been fun seeing you grow over these past several months. Before we know it you will be celebrating the big FIRST year birthday. What? What? 
Your CC and her household adore you. 
Many hugs and eskimo kisses.

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