
Operation Dropping the 4am Feeding

Well, this week has been another big week in the den.  Little Bear had his 9 month check up at the doctor's office.  He passed with flying colors of course.  He is 29.5 inches long and 22 pounds and 7 ounces.  BIG BOY!!!  I asked about feeding and the schedule of introducing new foods.  It was still recommended to do a new food every 3 days.  I said it's gonna take forever at that rate.  The nurse practitioner we saw said we can go with strictly table foods and just mash them up a bit of necessary.  One thing's for sure - Little Bear loves to feed himself.  He will often refuse food I try to give him in a spoon.  So, we are using up the baby food I've made or bought.  Last Wednesday I gave him yogurt and he totally loves it.  Today I gave him toast with a little bit of peanut butter on it.  He ate it right up.
The other thing I asked about was weaning.  I plan to breastfeed for a year for sure.  But, I wasn't sure how and when to start the weaning process.  The NP and I decided to drop the 4am feeding.  Little Bear often wouldn't eat much when he woke up at 6:30 because he had eaten so close to that time.  I decided to try right away.  So, Wednesday night was tough.  He went to bed at 7:30.  He woke at 3:30.  He fussed a bit for a 1/2 hour.  I finally went it and tried to pat him back to sleep.  Since he was sitting up, this didn't work.  So, I finally picked him up and cradled him.  When I tried to sit in the rocking chair, he immediately went for the boob.  So, I got right back up and tried to get him calm and back to sleep.  I put him back in the crib and he totally screamed.  I tried to calm him a bit and then left the room.  He fussed for a bit and then I thought he went back to sleep.  However, he fussed again around 4:30-4:45.  I tried to calm him again, held him a bit, put him back down, he screamed for a bit, then a little fussing, and then silence.  It was shortly after 5am by the time he was quiet.  Well, my alarm was set to go off at 5:30.  No going back to sleep for me.  Needless to say it was a tough and very long day at work.  Thursday night was a little better.  He woke up at 4:45 and fussed a little, but went back to sleep and ended up waking up at 7:20.  Friday night he slept the entire night (7:30-7:00).  Saturday we were at a wedding and so he didn't go to bed till 9:45, but he slept clear till 8:45.  Last night was great too!  I'm very glad I made the decision to drop that feeding.  I think it'll benefit everyone in the long run.

Last Friday Little Bear and I went to the Kansas City Zoo with a friend of mine and her daughter.  Little Bear had a great time!!  He loved the otters, polar bear, and leemurs.  I'm trying to upload some pictures, but again, I'm having issues.  I'll see if I can at least get a couple on here.
Totally excited about the otters

Completely exhausted from a day at the zoo

Family photo at an outdoor wedding reception

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