
38 Weeks Pregnant

So, something happened several days ago.  I had been feeling really nauseous again with no appetite last week.  However, just a couple of days ago, I woke up ravenously hungry.  I couldn't eat enough.  When I went to work over the weekend, I even had several people say that Little Cub has dropped some.  I thought so too, which is why I had more of an appetite.  I hope this means that Little Cub's entrance is soon to come.  Since I'm now 38 weeks, that means that Little Cub is officially considered full term and can come at any time.  I'm starting to feel more and more discomfort "down below."  I think I've lost the mucous plug.  At my appointment I was dilated 1cm and my cervix was soft.  I was encouraged by that since the last week there was nothing.  Little Cub continues to make his/her presence known by a lot of movement.  I'm ready to see Little Cub moving with my own eyes instead of just feeling the movement and seeing the waves in my stomach.

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