
7 Months Old

Oh my goodness, my sweet Little Cub is already 7 months old.  Seriously?  How fast does she have to grow up?  She really is interacting more and more, talking all the time, and really moving all over.  She doesn't crawl in the traditional way, but more like "the worm."  It's really fun to watch.  She gets to wherever she wants to go.  I really need to baby proof the fireplace area so she doesn't hit her head on the rocks.  Sleeping is still an issue we are struggling with.  I did the "cry it out" thing with Little Bear and it went really well.  He had a few rough nights, but learned quickly to sleep through the night.  Little Cub on the other hand will cry for 45 minutes and won't calm until I go in her room.  And, she doesn't just whimper, she screams hard for the entire 45 min.  It's rather frustrating.  I hope she figures out the sleep thing soon so we can all get better sleep.

She's starting to eat more solid food.  I figured out that she doesn't like the pureed stuff, but will eat broccoli, apples, bananas, pieces of steamed carrots, and some cereal puffs.  I don't know what I will do with all the baby food I made.  Maybe I will make smoothies with the fruit ones.

She looks so long here

She's always moving

Happy girl with big brother right behind 

They melt my heart

I love her big beautiful eyes!!


Spring is Almost Here!

 We are finally starting to get some decent weather around here.  Winter has been so long and bitterly cold.  When it did snow, it was too cold to get the kids out.  Little Bear was able to get out a couple of times in his snow suit.  I'm just glad it was in the 70s last week a couple of days and I could get Little Cub out as well.  With our nice backyard and playset, I'm looking forward to some warmer weather so we can play outside.  We even went to the zoo a few days ago with several of my coworkers and their kids.  All the kids were pretty close to the same age.  So fun!!
Bunny went "poo poo" so Little Bear cleaned him up.

Cool dude in the shades

Playing with his friend Ellie in our backyard

Little Cub sitting up like a big girl and sportin' brother's shades

She's so happy!!!

Mowing the lawn - he insisted on wearing his boots even though it's 70+ out

Watching the penguins swim under the water

Watching the penguins with his buddy Zayne

A bunch of toddlers running around at the zoo was a hoot!

Seriously mom, stop taking pictures already

6 Months Old

 I'm so far behind in posting pictures.  As of today, Little Cub is a week away from being 7 months old and I'm finally getting her 6 month pictures up.  I have little time to sit at a computer anymore.  My sweet Little Cub is continuing to grow up too fast.  We have starting feeding her solid food.   I spent an afternoon making my own baby food for her.  However, she wants nothing to do with it.  She wants the real food.  So far she likes broccoli and apples.  The doctor said it was fine to give her a break with the purees and just let her guide us in what she wants to eat.  She is close to crawling and "rocks" on all 4s.  She enjoys Shadow and watching her brother.  She still isn't sleeping very well at night.  Every once in a while she sleeps a 6 hour stretch.  She's definitely a much lighter sleeper than her brother because she hears every little sound.  I'm trying to let her cry it out and some nights it works, but other nights - not so much!  She is such a joy to us and those she meets.  Pretty soon I'll be writing about how she's starting to walk.  I had some pictures taken by Janie Jones Photography. I love them!!  It's also a bonus that she lives just a couple houses away from me.  She's so good with kids.

6 months old and already wearing a tu-tu

I can't get enough of this adorable face!

Isn't she cute!!!!!

So serious.  I don't think she liked the hat.  I love this one!