
Sweet Dreams!!

       I don't know about you, but I cannot sleep if my hubby is sawing logs.  I would sometimes have to nudge him constantly - he would be quiet for a short time, then start sawing logs again.  So frustrating!!! Well, I've found something that has helped tremendously!!  Valor from Young Living has given me my quiet nights back.  Just a drop on each of my hubby's big toes before bed, and . . . silence. The most sound I hear now is an occasional deep breath.  The other night he forgot to put it on and the noise was unbearable!!  So, I made him get up, put on some Valor and I was able to sleep in quiet. If you are interested in learning more about Valor and it's other uses and any of the other products, Young Living provides, let me know. If you are wanting to order a premium starter kit, click here, to fill out your info and start your journey to health and a better nights' sleep.

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor.  The information I give here is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease.  It is meant solely for educational purposes and to encourage you on your path toward health/wellness.


Striving for . . .

Sometimes (actually a lot of the time), Jesus has a way of speaking right to you.  You often don't expect it, but there it is - TRUTH!  I've known Jesus personally for a long time - since I was about 6 years old.  But, no matter how long I've known Him, He still surprises me and amazes me.  He surprises me in the way He speaks to me - whether it's through a book, devotional, friend, or simply by the sunrise.  He amazes me in that even when I've known Him for so long, He continues to love me and forgive me despite the fact that I'm always messing up, always failing, always turning to other things/people instead of Him.  I often don't give Him the quality time He deserves.  I get so consumed with connecting in some way with people whether through social media or face to face that I often neglect the One I should connect with the most.  When we continually go to the One who made us, that's where our true validation is and not from the world.  The world never validates us for who we truly are and that's where our perpetual discontentment comes from.  The world's standards are vastly different than God's.  We will always feel empty if we try to fill ourselves up from the world.  But, if we seek Christ and to be filled by Him, then, we fill fulfilled.  
Last year I sought to get healthy physically.  I saw the path I was on and sought to change the direction I was headed.  I worked hard and lost a lot of weight.  I feel and look great!  But, how much time and effort did I give to my spiritual health last year?  Did I work hard at losing the weight of what the world's standards have put on me?  Did I strive to fill my heart with His truth, His love?  Did I seek Him to be spiritually cleansed?  By the world's standards, I'm healthy.  But, what really matters is my spiritual health - all else is temporary.  I told myself last Fall that I was going to put more focus on my relationship with Christ.  I long for His closeness.  Yet, I continue to do what I don't want to do - pursue worldly connections.
Then, late Fall, early Winter, I decided to set out on a new adventure - pursuing a business by helping others on their journey to health/wellness by educating them on how Young Living Essential Oils can aid in helping them stay above the wellness line and keep their bodies in balance.  My passion for this endeavor grew and continues to grow.  So, yet again, something is starting to consume my time/thoughts/energy other than Christ.  Now, I don't think my endeavor is wrong by any means.  But, last night as I was doing my devotions, I was convicted by God.  Have I truly sought God in my new business?  Have I talked to Him at length about my heart/passion?  Has He given me His blessing to move forward?  I've prayed about it here and there, but have I truly sought His guidance?  Earlier this year I bought the devotional book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.  I loved the fact the daily devotions were short and written as Christ talking directly to me.  The following is taken directly from the entry for March 8:
              SAVE YOUR BEST STRIVING FOR SEEKING MY FACE.  I am constantly communicating with you.  To find Me and hear My voice, you must seek Me above all else.  Anything that you desire more than me becomes an idol.  When you are determined to get your own way, you blot Me out of your consciousness.  Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it.  Let the Light of My Presence shine on this pursuit so that you can see it from My perspective.  If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it.  If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart.  'Seek Me first' and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.  1 Chronicles 16:11 says, "Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always." Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
WOW!! Talk about conviction.  My heart's desire is to honor Christ with my life and give Him glory.  I pray that I will take this devotional to heart and truly "SEEK HIS FACE."  The blessings I will receive as a result of pursing Christ, will be immeasurable.  And the blessings may not be material or monetary, but rather eternal.  As I continue to pursue my new business and passion, I pray that I do so in a way that puts God first and His plan for me.  I know God will honor my efforts in a way the brings glory to Him.


A Simple Explanation

Just choose your diffuser, purchase the Premium Starter Kit, and you have a membership to buy future product at a 24% discount.  Click here to purchase kit.

When I talk to people about what I do or am helping them get their first Young Living Essential Oils kit, they often turn their nose up and say, "Distributor?  I don't think I want to do that!"  However, it's not what it seems.  One of the many reasons I love this company is that I don't HAVE to sell anything or "distribute" anything.  All I do is share a passion of mine.  What people choose to do, is just that, "their choice."  A simple way to explain how I buy oils, is to equate it to my Costco membership.  How many of you have a membership to Costco or Sam's Club?  I'm sure a ton of you out there do.  When you buy a membership to one of those stores, you pay a fee to shop the discounts.  Your basic fee allows you into the store to buy whatever you want.  The executive membership allows you to earn a percentage back on what you buy.  So, a membership to Young Living Essential Oils is the same concept.  When you buy a starter kit, that is your "membership" to buy any products Young Living offers at a discount.  If you choose to participate in the Essential Rewards program, that is like buying the executive membership to Costco.  When you purchase items monthly through Essential Rewards, you earn a percentage of what you spend toward future purchases for free.  Pretty amazing deal!!!  That's it!  You never have to sell anything.  However, I will tell you that after you start using the products that Young Living has to offer, you won't be able to stop yourself from telling others about it.  If someone chooses to buy a kit after you shared with them, you make a little money.  The more you share, the more you make.  But, if you choose to not make money, that's OK too.  Each year, you have to "renew" your membership to Costco/Sam's Club by paying the annual membership fee.  Same goes for Young Living.  To keep your membership active and allow you to continue to buy things at a discount, you need to renew your membership by purchasing $50 worth of product before a year goes by of your purchase of the starter kit.  Pretty simple in my opinion!!!  Simply by me sharing my passion of Young Living Essential Oils and the rest of their products and how they've benefited me and my family, I've achieved the next level in my business.  I'm super excited.  I'm also in the process of working with the hospital I work at in bringing the benefit of essential oils to patients and staff in a safe manner.  I'm super excited about what I will learn in the process.