
Big Night Coming

Well, I think I'm about to make a big transition.  Tonight is the night I put Micah in his crib instead of our room.  I haven't been wanting to do it because I enjoy having him close by.  However, I'm ready to have our bedroom back and I think everyone in the house will sleep better.  I was going to do it last week, but then Little Bear got sick and definitely wanted him close by.  Then over the weekend he was waking up every 2-3 hours.  Me, being as tired as I am in the middle of the night, of course picked him up and fed him.  My amazing girlfriends who are moms of 2-3 kids each gave me some wise counsel.  They said babies train very easily.  And the fact that I'm picking him up every time he cries and feeding him, he's going to start wanting it that way.  So, Sunday evening I did something that was rather difficult.  Little Bear started fussing about 2 1/2 hours after going to sleep.  I let him fuss.  I gave myself a time limit of 10 minutes.  He calmed after 8, then several minutes later fussed, then calmed after 5 min, etc.  This went on for about 20 minutes after which I put the binky in his mouth and he went back to sleep.  He slept for another 2+ hours and started crying.  I mean really crying.  I let him cry and about 10 minutes into it, I put the binky in his mouth, patted his back and he eventually went to sleep.  Normally I would have actually picked him up to feed him.  However, since I had to work Monday, I was going to be feeding him right before I left which was in another 1 1/2 hours.  So, I let him be.  He of course eagerly fed when I woke him up.  I felt horrible though because when I picked him up, I realized his diaper had leaked.  Poor guy!  If any of you guys that read this do cloth diapers, I'm curious as to what brand you use and why.  Since I put Little Bear to sleep on his tummy, I feel like he leaks after long periods of sleep.  I'm looking for suggestions on cloth diapers that don't leak as easily.  Right now I'm using GroVia, Rumparooz, and Bum Cheeks.
Well, Monday night I Little Bear went to sleep at 10:15 and slept till shortly after 5.  Woohoo for 7 hours straight.  I changed his diaper, fed him and put him back to bed.  He didn't wake up till 8:30.  Fabulous!!  I felt great this morning after getting that much sleep.  So, since he did so well last  night I decided that I'm going to be brave and put him to bed in his own room.  I'll be sure and let you all know how it goes.

We've had a great day today.  I decided to have fun with our camera.  I need to take some lessons on how to use it for how it was created.  I have a ton to learn!!  Anyway, here are a few shots from playtime and our walk.

Super Happy!!
Very Intrigued 
Enjoying the walk

So adorable!!!

Brother Shadow exploring


Tummy time - probably watching a little TV


  1. Aw, best of luck tonight! And I could really mean that in more than one way :)
    A suggestion on night diapering - 1st be sure you tuck his "parts" DOWN & you may also consider using a disposable through the night. I recall my SIL (who has cloth diapered 5 babes) say she does that. I will check with her on that though.
    Cute pictures!

  2. You go girl!!! One of the best things I ever did as a parent was training my girls to be good sleepers. The first few days might be hard, but years of good nights of sleep are sooo worth it!!!!

  3. We use cloth diapers but not at night.
    I was told that they are like a sponge, so that disposables are what we use at night!

  4. What a darling little bear! Have you ever considered double diapering at night? Did that with our kids before disposables.
