
Happy 5 Month Birthday (a couple days late)

Well, this last Thursday Little Bear turned 5 months old.  It's hard to believe it's been that long already.  He is getting to be so much fun.  He continues to love-love-love the exersaucer.  He's getting so strong and active in it that I think he'll jump out of it soon.  He's found his feet recently and amazes me with his flexibility.  I used to be flexible, but not so much anymore.  He's been gnawing on his hands and feet or whatever he can put in his mouth.  Just this morning I felt something.  His first tooth has broken through.  He really hasn't been that fussy with teething.  He has been slobbering a ton and the last several days he's had a little rash on his bottom and some diarrhea.  I went ahead and picked of some Hyland's Teething Gel (the store was out of the tablets) just in case we might need it.

I wanted to update you all on how it's gone with putting Little Bear in his crib for night.  I'm happy to report that it's going very well.  the last 5 nights he's had 6 - 7 hour stretches.  I've heard him make sounds a few times at night, but then he's gone back to sleep on his own.  Last night I put him down at 8pm.  I picked him up at 10, changed his diaper, fed him and he went right back down.  He woke up at 5:15 and I fed him.  He slept till about 8:15.  Wow.  So, all in all he slept almost 12 hours.  Very nice!  I hope to continue to get into more of a night time routine.  I did put him in a disposable diaper last night.  There was slight leakage when I changed him again at 8:15 this morning.  I think this was most likely due to the fact that I still have size 1 diapers instead of the 2-3 since he's 17-18 pounds.  So, I did get to the store today and bought size 3.  That just sounds so crazy.

keeps getting bigger and longer

Play Date with friend McKenna (she LOVES him)

I wanted to add several more pictures, but for some reason blogspot isn't recognizing them.  I'll post them as soon as I can.

1 comment :

  1. Thank you for spending Micah's 5 month birthday caring for my kiddaroos. I'm so grateful for your gift of time in caring for our family this week! Happy 5 months Bear!
