
Little Cub's Birth in Pictures

Me patiently waiting my turn in the operating room - can you believe I was having contractions the whole time, they just weren't strong enough to do anything 
My second IV - the first one blew 

Little Cub just seconds after being born - wow she cried so loudly

Getting checked out

My first time seeing my Little Cub

First photo with our little girl

Being checked out again by the nurse - Little Cub ended up weighing 7 pounds 1.5 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long

First time in clothes
First bath

40 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant

So, today(August 23) is D-Day.  I unfortunately have not gone into labor on my own.  So, since I can't be induced due to a previous c-section, I am automatically getting a c-section on this day.  It's not the way I was hoping to deliver Little Cub, but what I ultimately wanted is about to come true - "Healthy Baby, Healthy Mom."  It's rather surreal that I will have a baby in my arms in a few hours without having to labor.  I even had time to shower, and do my hair and make-up. So, as soon as my parents arrived to watch Little Bear while we were in the hospital, we loaded up and made the trip.  We got there 15 minutes ahead of schedule.  We were told to wait in the waiting room while they finished getting things ready.  So, Papa Bear and I made ourselves as comfortable as possible.  An hour later and we still hadn't been called back.  Then, another hour went by and still no word.  The worst part for me was the fact that I hadn't been allowed to eat or drink since midnight.  I was HUNGRY!!!!  Finally, a nurse came out and informed us that she was sorry we were having to wait, but there were several emergencies that came up.  I wasn't upset about being pushed back when someone else was needing medical attention more than I.  I was just hungry and wanted to eat so badly.  
I finally got back to the holding room 3 hours after I should have been there.  And then, I finally got to the hour 4 hours after I was supposed to.  Despite the delay, everything went very well and Little Cub was born.  The moment I heard her cry, tears of joy came to my eyes.  I was able to hold her within minutes after her birth.  As soon as I was taken to the recovery room, I was able to breastfeed.  And, my prayers were answered.  Little Cub took to nursing right away without any problems.
40 Weeks and 5 Days - hours prior to Little Cub's birth

Mama Bear and Little Cub just hours after she was born


What a Night!!!

I was really hoping that with the full moon last night that it would put me into labor.  However, no such luck.  It did get us a trip to the hospital though.  The whole family went on a walk last night in our neighborhood.  I've been doing a ton of that lately to help encourage Little Cub to make an entrance.  Well, when we got back to the house, Little Bear got out of the stroller and was roaming around as usual.  He was walking into the garage and then I heard him cry so hard.  I looked down and saw my baby in such tears.  He had tripped and hit his forehead on the edge of the mower.  When I picked him up, I knew immediately he would need stitches.  There was a good size gash in his forehead.  We grabbed some paper towels, got our stuff and loaded him up.  He cried for a while, but was talking and acting normal before we even got to the hospital which was about 15 minutes away.  We got checked in and were taken back to a room for them to get all necessary info.  Then, they soon moved us to an exam room.  They said they doctor would be in shortly.  Well, that was a lie.  We waited probably 45 min before the doctor came in to see us.  He did his assessment, and quickly put the orders into the computer.  He said a nurse would be right in to start things.  Well, that didn't happen either.  Little Bear was totally done with being confined in a tiny room and we were frustrated with the long wait.  Being a PICU nurse, I'm used to things happening quickly.  So, I went to the nurses' desk and saw quite a few people just sitting there which didn't make me happy at all.  So, I asked what the delay was since the orders were in and let them know that Little Bear was tired of being cooped up.  Besides, it was way past his bedtime and it was showing.  They fed me some line about getting really busy.  I asked if I could have the topical cream to put on that needed 30 minutes to work since I'm an RN.  Well, all they gave me were some toys for Little Bear to play with.  That actually worked.  Finally after over 30 min of receiving orders, a nurse finally came in to give him Tylenol and put the topical numbing cream on.  Then came more waiting, which Little Bear was so over-done with.  But, the numbing cream waiting time was finally up and the nurse and doctor came in.  The nurse and I wrapped Little Bear up in a blanket so he wouldn't squirm around and surrounded his head with towels.  The doctor irrigated the wound several times to make sure it was totally clean.  He then started stitching up the gaping hole.  I sang some songs and tried to comfort Little Bear as much as possible.  The doctor put in a total of 6 dissolvable stitches and then topped it off with some antibiotic ointment.  Once we unwrapped Little Bear, he calmed down and I was able to really comfort him and get him calm.  The nurse came back in and gave us our instructions.  From the time of check in till we walked out of the ER, was 3 hours.  Ugghhh!!!!!!!  They did give Little Bear a slushy for being such a trooper.  However, after a couple sips, he was done so Papa Bear and Mama Bear finished it.  Little Bear fell asleep on the way home and I had him changed and in his bed by 11:00.  He slept till almost 8:00 this morning and acted like nothing had ever happened.  What a tough boy!  I think I would still be complaining.  He was definitely ready for his nap a bit on the earlier side than normal.  And, he's taken a 3 hour nap so far which has allowed me the opportunity to nap and write this post.  Here are some pictures from the event and even from this morning.  I'm so thankful that he didn't get hurt any worse than he was.  I'm hoping that the stitches are good enough that he doesn't have a bad scar on his cute forehead.  Time will tell.

Notice the large hole in the middle of his forehead.  It went pretty deep as well

All stitched up

Stitched up and tears drying

Woke up this morning and wanted to eat right away - chocolate chip pancakes

Having fun swinging


Misc. Summer 2013 Pictures

Putting his seat belt on 
Driving Papa Bear's truck

Having fun on our new lawn mower - vroom, vroom

Having fun with Papa Bear on the 4-wheeler

So happy to be helping Papa Bear unload the trailer
I can't get enough of Little Bear's excitement

Great Mommy/Son moment - I love this boy SOOOO much!!!

Loving the train ride at the zoo!

20 Months Old

It's so nice to have internet again after being without for 2 months.  That's why I haven't posted anything for so long until a few days ago.  Now I'm playing catch-up.  

Little Bear is really starting to act more like he's hitting the terrible 2's already.  He sure has a stubborn streak when he wants to.  We have a huge yard now and instead of running around in the yard, he loves to run down the driveway and into the street.  Now, we live in a quiet neighborhood, but I'm still trying to teach him to not run in the street and to always hold my hand if we are in the street.  However, he is not a fan of that rule and instead of walking with me holding my hand, he just plops down and starts pouting.  He still loves to be outside as much as possible and never wants to come in.  He enjoys getting in Papa Bear's truck and pretending to drive.  He'll even put the seat belt on.  He is saying sky, blue, outside, inside, truck, "Dude" - which Papa Bear taught him, Amen, and knows a lot of the animal sounds.  The really neat thing that he started doing this last month is wanting to pray when we eat.  He's not saying the prayer yet, but he grabs our hands and wants us to pray and then at the end when we say "amen" he says it too.  He'll do this several times throughout the meal.  Love it!!!  When we go on walks in our neighborhood, he wants to check our mailbox.  So, that's why in the first picture you see him hold an advertisement.  Then, at each mailbox, he wants to open it.

Not too happy about having his picture taken

There's the happy boy I know

Being very silly - notice the bubble he blew on the tip of his tongue?


19 Months Old

Little Bear is becoming so big.  I'm surprised I was able to get these pictures with as quick as he moves around lately.  His vocabulary continues to explode and it's so fun to realize how much he understands.  We are still settling into our new house which is taking a while since I have to chase Little Bear and I'm pregnant.  My energy level doesn't allow me to get too much done.  Oh well, I'd rather play with Little Bear with the energy I do have than do any kind of work.

We went to hear FunkyMamaMusic. Little Bear was more interested in exploring than staying in one spot to listen to fun kids' music

a rainbow we saw from the baseball game

a group of friends enjoying the baseball game and getting their picture taken with the mascot

Watching fireworks after the game

Little Bear enjoyed the fireworks as long as his ears were covered and we were holding him

4th of July Fun

We got to have a little fun as a family on the 4th of July.  I was fortunate enough to be placed on call so I didn't have to go to work.  Papa Bear helped out one of our new neighbors spread some dirt using a fun piece of equipment.  Little Bear of course had to be there to watch Daddy.  Little Bear LOVES trucks, tractors, machines, and was having a blast watching Daddy work.  We also joined our neighbors later in the evening for a BBQ and some small fireworks.

Vroom Vroom

Little Bear wouldn't keep the headset on, so he didn't get a ride.  But at least we got a picture.

He had fun chasing the bubbles the girls were blowing

Little Bear's idea of blowing bubbles was eating the bubble wand

These girls were adorable and had a blast entertaining Little Bear - it was fun to watch.


39 Weeks Pregnant

Ok, so I'm so so ready to meet Little Cub!!!  I've been feeling pretty good this last week.  I'm just tired and uncomfortable.  I've had a lot of contractions this past week.  So, I thought for sure when I went to my appointment this morning that I would be further dilated and effaced.  But, no such luck.  However, that doesn't mean a whole lot as far as when Little Cub will make an entrance.  I really want to have a v-bac (vaginal birth after cesarean).  Because of my previous c-section, I'm not allowed to be induced due to the risk of uterine rupture.  So, I have to go into labor on my own or end up having the scheduled c-section which is scheduled for August 23.  Knowing this, I asked my midwife if she would strip my membranes.  She did, which was really uncomfortable!!!!  But, I'm hoping it helps.  Also, I work Wednesday and Thursday this week, so that should also help since I'll be on my feet a lot.  Then, I also scheduled a massage for Friday morning.  My massage therapist has induced labor with massage therapy on other women, so I'm hoping it works for me if I haven't gone by then.

Little Cub is still moving around quite a bit.  And, at times I feel like he/she is punching me in rather uncomfortable places.  I'm really looking forward to meeting Little Cub and can't wait to kiss the cute little face. 

38 Weeks Pregnant

So, something happened several days ago.  I had been feeling really nauseous again with no appetite last week.  However, just a couple of days ago, I woke up ravenously hungry.  I couldn't eat enough.  When I went to work over the weekend, I even had several people say that Little Cub has dropped some.  I thought so too, which is why I had more of an appetite.  I hope this means that Little Cub's entrance is soon to come.  Since I'm now 38 weeks, that means that Little Cub is officially considered full term and can come at any time.  I'm starting to feel more and more discomfort "down below."  I think I've lost the mucous plug.  At my appointment I was dilated 1cm and my cervix was soft.  I was encouraged by that since the last week there was nothing.  Little Cub continues to make his/her presence known by a lot of movement.  I'm ready to see Little Cub moving with my own eyes instead of just feeling the movement and seeing the waves in my stomach.

37 Weeks Pregnant

I may look happy in this picture, but I'm not feeling very well lately.  I've been rather nauseous again and don't have much of an appetite.  Little Cub is about 7 pounds and around 20+ inches.  I met with one of the doctors in my midwife's office since I want to v-bac.  He checked my progress and there wasn't any.  I was bummed, but oh well.  There is still time for things to be prepared.  We all went on a little trip this last weekend and I wasn't sure if I should considering how close I was to D-Day.  But, all went well and it was great to have some quality family time. 

36 Weeks Pregnant

Little Cub is now mature enough to live in the outside world.  He/She is practicing breathing, sucking the thumb, moving from side to side, and blinking.  Fat continues to accumulate as well.  I had an ultrasound today and got to see the cutest litte face.  I wanted to reach out and kiss those little lips.  Little Cub looked great and the ultrasound tech estimated the weight to be about 6 pounds, 6 ounces.  I can't remember exactly what Little Bear weighed at that same time, but I still think Little Cub is going to be smaller than Little Bear was when born. Time will tell.