
Newborn to 1 Month Old

I still feel like this little girl just came into our lives the other day and already a month has past.  It seems like it's gone by faster this time.  That's probably because I'm chasing after a toddler and still trying to get settled in our new house.  Little Cub seemed so tiny when she was born and she has really grown.  She's really plumped up, so I must be feeding her some good milk.  She's doing well breastfeeding and at times, wants to feed all the time.  She's pretty laid back for the most part and hardly cries.  Really the only times she cries are when I haven't paid enough attention to her cues and she's super hungry.  The last few days she's been a bit more fussy and I think her stomach is bothering her from the medicine she takes for thrush.  We have only a few more days left of that, so hopefully she'll be feeling better.  She has had a snotty nose the last couple of weeks to the point where I've had to get up a few times a night to suck the snot out.  She's a noisy sleeper from about 2am-7am.  She's getting better at sleeping at night.  She sleeps for about 4 hours, feeds, then sleeps 3 hours, feeds, then sleeps 2 hours, feeds, then sleeps an hour, feeds and then goes to sleep from 7am to at least 8:30.  Her sleep patterns in the morning have allowed me to have some quality time with Little Bear which I'm very thankful for.  I'm doing my best to focus on him when she's sleeping so he gets the attention he needs.  Little Cub is starting to smile more and purposefully.  She likes to be held up against my shoulder and has even started liking laying on the ground and "exercising."
It has been very challenging adjusting to parenting 2 kids.  I'm so glad I have a husband that is helpful.  He's now taken over putting Little Bear to bed at night and down for naps on the weekends.  Those times I usually occupied feeding Little Cub.  There have been a few times where Papa Bear is gone in the evenings and I've had to put both to bed.  I get Little Bear down all the while Little Cub is screaming.  I do my best to ignore her cries because I know her needs have been met.  That way I'm fully focusing on Little Bear.  Thankfully, Little Bear goes down at night fairly easily.  I still feel bad that she's often crying during that time, but there's nothing more I can do about it.  Little Cub tends to fall asleep for the night around 9-9:30.  So, that's usually when I go to bed too.  I think there's much more I can say about the changes in our lives so far, but this will have to do.  The kids are both sleeping and I could use a nap for sure!!!
All dressed up to go home from the hospital

All ready to go home.  I wish Little Bear was in the picture

She looks so incredibly tiny - Little Cub that is.  I have a long ways to go

Proud Papa Bear

Little Bear trying to give Little Cub his pacifier

Checking out Little Cub's teddy bear

Proud brother

1 month old.  Can you see how much she's grown?

Kissing his little sister

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