
It Finally Happened

 We've been waiting a watching for several weeks now wondering when it will finally happen.  Well, Thursday evening it finally did.  While I was still at work, Papa Bear and Little Bear were hanging out at home.  Suddenly Micah was no longer in the spot Papa Bear put him.  He was several feet away.  Mark grabbed the video camera and it happened again.  Little Bear was actually crawling several feet.  He had been doing some pre-crawling moves and made a few moves, but never a full on crawl.  It's so fun to see him realizing he can move around on his own now.  We really need to baby-proof now.  There's a set of stairs in our living room that has a bannister that Little Bear could easily get stuck in.  So, now we're on the hunt for some type of barrier to protect the little guy.

Sunday, I had to work all day, so Papa Bear, Little Bear, and Brother Shadow got to hang out together - just the guys.  They had a great day.  Papa Bear even ventured out to Home Depot with Little Bear.  I would love to be a little fly hanging out with them.  Papa Bear is so hilarious.  He's such a kid himself.  He insisted on buy some construction trucks so he and Little Bear could play together.  It warms my heart like you wouldn't believe to see how much fun they have together.

I can do what?  Crawl
Before Daddy fed Little Bear

After Daddy fed Little Bear


It's Gonna be a Gr8 Day!

Hey cuteness! It's CC, just dropping in to remind you how darn cute you are. Today is a work day for your momma and your daddy is on a business trip to Iowa so we get you all.day! I snapped this picture of you during lunch today because it was a milestone moment for the two of us. You ate five ounces of solids with NO MESS. Cue the chorus here :) 
1 ounce avocado, 2 ounces of sweet potato & 2 ounces of apple
You and McKenna are both down for your afternoon naps while the bigs (Gabrielle and Dawson) are off to a movie with some special friends. CC has a small "to do" list and is in need of a shower so will sign off for now. 
 Hugs to you! CC


3 to 6 month photo comparison

6 months old 

6 months Old 
3 months Old

3 months Old

3 month old feet - totally in love with them

3 months old - the saying is so true!

3 Months Old
It's amazing the difference in just a few short months.  I'm looking forward to seeing the transition at 9 months.


7 Months Old

I'll help hold the sign guys

It's been a pretty good month.  Little Bear has mastered rolling both ways.  He does a great downward dog and plank, but not actively crawling forward.  He now has 3 top teeth that have broken through.  Totally ridiculous I think.  He's getting a little bit more clingy with mommy - especially around people he's not as familiar with.  I love that he feels safe with me.  He sleeps on average 8-9 hour stretch at night.  I usually feed him early morning around 4-5 and then he goes back to sleep till 7-8:30 or so. 

I love my Little Bear so very much.  He is really starting to get a personality.  I'm so thankful God allowed me to be Little Bear's mother.  I hope I don't mess him up too badly.  God give me wisdom!


Fun Family Moments

Eating some butternut squash - Little Bear likes to help get the spoon in his mouth

I'm not really sure mom, I still prefer MILK!!!!

Father's Day: Mark, Brother Shadow, and Little Bear

Father and Son

Brother Shadow giving Little Bear a kiss
Things are going pretty well here.  Feeding Little Bear solid foods is still a work in progress.  I'm not getting to zealous about it.  I'm just trying to slowly work the different varieties in to his diet.  Since things had been going so well, I decided to offer food at every meal this past Wednesday.  He took 2 oz of food every time.  Well, Wednesday night Little Bear didn't sleep too well at all.  Thursday at CC's house he was miserable and very fussy which is so unlike him.  I felt horrible I was at work and couldn't be there to comfort him, but CC did a fabulous job.   CC and I both thought he was teething because his top teeth look like they're about to breakthrough.  So, a little Tylenol, ibuprofen, and teething gel were given at different times.  However, they didn't help all that much.  When I got home, Little Bear was super happy to see me.  I got him ready for bed and then fed him.  He wasn't super tired because he had gotten a better late afternoon nap.  So, after eating, he wanted to play instead of going straight to bed.  I smelled something fierce though and went to change him.  He had pooped, and kept pooping.  Sorry to be graphic, but it was the largest, most formed stuff I've seen from such a little person.  He seemed much happier after that.  He ended up sleeping well that night.  When he got up in the morning, he had the biggest blowout ever.  So, I concluded that is difficult sleeping and rough day was due to gas, constipation, stomach upset.  Poor guy.  I certainly over-did it with feeding him solids.  Lesson learned.  So, I've scaled way back and offer him solids 1-2 times per day.

Oh, by the way, I felt another tooth yesterday morning.  It's on the top.  Not the middle one, but the tooth next to the middle left one.  He's now mastered rolling from back to tummy.  He's scooting around, but still isn't really moving forward yet.  That's OK, because once that happens, he'll be all over the place.