
2 Boo Boos in 1 Day

So, Little Bear is now at that age where he wants to move all over. So, he pulls himself up all the time now.  In our living room I have a plastic crate where I keep his toys. Well, he was playing there yesterday and fell over. He really started crying. It took me a while to figure out if he hurt himself. I found a small break in his skin above his right eye. He recovered quickly. Later in the day he was crawling around. I stepped away briefly to let the dog out. When I turned around he was heading up the stairs. I quickly ran to him. When I did, he paused, turned around and started heading back down. His left forehead hit the marble tile floor just as I got to him. I scooped him up and he was balling!!! I felt horrible! I myself got very shaky and started crying.  Working where I do - Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, I see kids come in all the time with head injuries from falls.  I started freaking out that Little Bear could have a head bleed.  There is a pediatric emergency room just a couple of minutes from our house.  I wondered if I should take him there to be examined.  Should I keep him awake (it was almost naptime).  I did a quick neuro check myself and everything seemed fine.  So, I went ahead and put him down for his nap.  The monitor we have has a motion sensor so I knew that if something happened during his nap I would know right away.  After he was down, I texted a couple of friends, one is a pediatrician, and the other was CC.  They assured me kids are resilient and he would be fine.    I then laid down for my own nap to calm my nerves.  He ended up taking a nice 2 hour nap.  When he woke up, he was happy.  He nursed just fine and was making me laugh.  You could barely even see the red mark on his forehead.  It's like nothing even happened.  I am relieved.  I'm sure there are going to be many more bumps and bruises along the way as Little Bear grows up.  We still have some more baby-proofing to do - especially around the fireplace (it's brick all around).
The gate Mark put up last night so Little Bear won't fall again.
Toy Box where first injury happened

If you look closely, you can see the cut/red area above his right eye


Moments in Time

I love being Little Bear's Mommy!!  It's so fun to watch him grow.  I agree with CC in the last post about the teeth grinding and the rolling over during diaper changes.  Rather annoying actually!
Learning to read - he LOVES this book 
Crawling from his room to the next

Heading to the room across from his

Walking his brother Shadow

Playing with his girlfriend McKenna (can we do arranged marriages here?)

This is what his 6 teeth can do to a large apple

My 3 boys


Little Bear, Little Bear, what do you see?
I see CC looking at me.
Little Bear, Little Bear, what do you see?
I see CC taking cute pictures of me.
Little Bear, Little Bear, what do you see? 
I see CC smiling back at me.
LB, you have definitely grown leaps and bounds in both statue and development. You are now getting everywhere you wish to be at fast speed, interacting with McKenna, Dawson and Gabrielle & you absolutely love Mr. Wes (it's a mutual affection) as he talks your language fluently and he swoops you up and loves on you when he gets the chance. You eat your own weight in food. No joke kiddo. You love you some food! I don't blame ya. I side with you on this. I still L.O.V.E. your big brown eyes and cute smile. What I don't like? {You didn't ask, but I'm going to tell anyway.} I cringe every time you grind your teeth and it is becoming more often as of lately. You're also a little stinker at times when it comes to diaper changes. You like to roll over and begin to move away but I tickle your thighs and pull you back my direction. You are such a tiny man version of a fashionista when it comes to your wide array of cloth diapers. From brights, to fuzzy ones, to some pretty cool prints. You rock em' all! It's been fun seeing you grow over these past several months. Before we know it you will be celebrating the big FIRST year birthday. What? What? 
Your CC and her household adore you. 
Many hugs and eskimo kisses.


Good Times

So again I had problems between blogger and Iphoto so this post is much later than I had hoped.  Anyway, my Little Bear continues to amaze me!!  He's crawling all over the place.  Daddy even caught him climbing up the stairs.  He's cruising around furniture too.  He'll stand for a few seconds by himself.  Before long he'll be walking.  We're continuing to add more and more foods to Little Bear's menu.  So far he likes everything.  He loves to feed himself puffs, pieces of banana, and peas.

I think the whole food thing has been a slight stresser for me.  What foods do I start with, how much do I feed him, and when do I feed him in relation to breastfeeding?  By now I've gotten into sort of a rhythm.  I breastfeed him when he first wakes up (around 7), change him, play a little, then feed him breakfast which is usually oatmeal and bananas (or apples or some other fruit).  After he's been up for ~2 1/2 hours, he goes down for a nap.  He naps for  about 1 1/2-2 hours, when he wakes up, I breastfeed him and then we play.  Around noon, I feed him lunch which is about 2 oz of meat, some veggies, and then a fruit.  He again goes down for a nap after being up for 2-3 hours.  He sleeps for about 2 hours.  When he wakes up, which is usually around 4, I breastfeed him. We then play.  He eats dinner around 6 which is a repeat of lunch.  He then gets a bath - which he totally loves!  Before bed we read a few books and I breastfeed him again.  He's in bed between 7:30 and 8:30.  He wakes up at least once in the night, but often twice.  Of course the days that I work and he is at CC's, his schedule is different.  That doesn't bother me.  I have a general routine for the day, but not a rigid schedule.  I like to be flexible.  

Despite the fact that I often feel very overwhelmed by my responsibilities, I know God will give me the strength and wisdom to make it through.  Here are a few random pics for you to enjoy.

Daddy having fun at Costco with the over-sized bear - no we didn't buy it

just got done swimmin'

Learning to make applesauce

He LOVES his puffs

Lookin' very spiffy with his spiked hair and overalls

2 of my boys on a walk (I can't believe I got Brother Shadow to sit still)

He really enjoys the swing - it's finally nice enough outside


8 months Old

Such a happy boy!!

Little Bear is so mobile, it's hard to get still pictures
Little Bear is getting so mobile.  He is crawling like crazy, pulling himself to stand, and even a couple times stood completely by himself for a few seconds.  He loves his "brother" Shadow and giggles like crazy when Shadow is eating.  We caught a bit of it on video, but I still can't figure out how to get the videos loaded.  I've taken him swimming several times this summer and he LOVES it.  He still doesn't like to be on his back in the water though.  I think he might be the next Michael Phelps. He's doing well with eating solid foods.  The most recent one he' tried is blueberries.  I was surprised he really likes them.  I wish I would have taken a picture today because he had a decent amount of blueberries on his face.  Rather cute I think.


Little Bear at the Zoo

This weekend we went to my hometown for my high school reunion.  I'll spare you what year.  It was fun to catch up with people.  There were about 20 of us which I thought was pretty good considering there were only 43 in our graduating class.  Seeing everyone brought back a lot of memories.  It's weird to think how long ago it was that we were all hanging out together.  Now a lot of us have our own kids and even some of them have kids that are in their last years of high school.  CRAZY!!!!

Well, Saturday morning we decided to go to the zoo.  It was supposed to be over 100, but we hoped going first thing in the morning would help us beat the major heat.  My parents had such a blast being grandparents.  They are very proud of their grandson.  Little Bear did very well and enjoys being out and about. Even though he didn't get very good naps on Saturday, he never got that fussy.  He ended up going to bed at 7:15 that night which is the earliest he's ever gone to sleep.  He even slept till 5am, I fed him and he went back to sleep till 7.   I look forward to when he's older and will really appreciate seeing all the animals.  The highlight for all the adults was seeing the elephant doing different tricks and the gorilla showing off.  I hope all of you are having a great summer.
So far he likes the zoo 
Drink break - it was 100 plus degrees

I think he's wearing out

Rather scared of the gorilla

We just had to take this picture

looks like a tasty meal

Lovin it!!
At least I finally got to load these pictures - It only took 5 days.  Here's some other pics to enjoy.

has to chew on the spoon

loving being outside on a walk

destroying the play gym to play with his bear