
Your First BIG Day

Hey there cutie! Well, your first BIG day with us has come and gone. I say BIG day because we loved on you for several hours the two weeks prior to your mommy's return to work too but yesterday you were with us all day! Your daddy dropped you off bright and early at 7. Let it be known now your CC isn't a morning person so your daddy will catch me in my jammies, no make up and hair a mess a lot :) We had a fun morning of playtime before your nap. You didn't fuss one bit when I put you down for either your morning or afternoon nap. That could be chalked up to the fact that we wore you out slick (and the fact that it was almost 3 hours between the 2 naps). I spent a few minutes earlier in the week setting up your "permanent residence" within our house in Gabrielle's bedroom. I hadn't really told her my plan but she was so cute when she arrived home from school. She proclaimed "Mom, I really like how you rearranged my things." No mention of the fact that a pack n play took up house in her play area. Sweet girl!
After morning nap I took the opportunity to snap a handful of pictures of you. Your mommy had you dressed in the cutest little bear shirt. Ha! How fitting! Check out the drool in that bottom picture. You were so full of smiles. I'm sure the laughs are soon to come.
If you weren't playing with a toy you kept your hands busy at all times. You are even showing a bit of interest in assisting in holding the bottle. There is something so precious about a little ones hands and feet. 
On a side note, I got an A for the day in cloth diapering. They really are so effortless. I got a kick out of the fun fabric (fuzzy) and bold colors you sported throughout the day. I fully understand the need for larger pants now that I have changed a few cloth diapers. Those puppies take up a whole lot more room than disposables :)
Until next week when we have more time to play ...

My First Week

Well, I made it through my first week back to work.  More importantly, Micah and those that cared for him made it beautifully!  The nice thing about my job is that I'm working 2, 12 hour shifts a week.  That means I get to be at home for 5 days each week.  Woohoo!  Sunday was my first scheduled shift.  It started off rather crazy.  I was called at 5:50 am saying I could stay home on call.  I was super excited.  When I put my phone down, I must have accidentally turned off the ringer.  Well, both Little Bear and I fell back asleep and woke up an hour later.  When I turned over, I notice my phone light blinking.  I checked it and there were 3 missed calls from work.  Come to find out, work started calling me 15 minutes after I talked to them.  They actually did need me to come in.  Well, I was out the door pretty fast since I was completely ready.  I got to work 40 minutes late on my first day.  Needless to say I was rather frazzled.  They day ended up going well and I had a great assignment with fabulous parents.  God was good to me.  Mark and Micah did very well the whole day.  Mark was able to put Micah down for naps and Micah took the bottle well also.  That evening Mark went ahead and went to our small group where there were several women that were ready to take Micah off of Mark's hands.  However, due to Micah being super tired, being in a warm room, and missing his mommy, Micah started screaming.  No one could calm him down.  They left early and got home shortly after I had gotten home from work.  Micah and I were very glad to see each other.

Thursday was my second day back.  I got up and got completely ready and was able to feed Micah and get him ready for the day.  Mark took him to CC's house while I headed to work.  CC gave me reports throughout the day.  It went very well.  It gives me such an incredible peace that Little Bear is in such a loving home while I'm at work.
Super Happy Boy!
When I got home from work Thursday I was super exhausted, but so ready to see my Little Bear.  Mark was rocking him in the nursery.  I didn't waste much time taking Little Bear from Mark.  We got a lot of cuddling in that evening.  After a long and sometimes extremely rough days at my job, it sure is nice that I can come home and cuddle my super cute little man.


My Last Week Home

I'm a little sad this week.  This is my last week of maternity leave.  My first day back to work is Sunday March 18.  While I'm looking forward to seeing my coworkers, the thought of being away from Little Bear for 13 hours is just, well, AWFUL!!!  I know he'll be in great hands that day because he'll be hanging out with his Daddy.  And the during the week, Little Bear will be at CC's house.  The nice thing about my job is that I will be working only 2 days a week.  However, they are long, long days (12-13hours).  So, for 5 days a week I'll get to be with my son.  I honestly haven't missed work while I've been on leave, but I've missed my coworkers.  I'm sure once I get into the swing of things at work again, I'll be fine.  Too bad I can't work just 4 hours that day - enough to catch up with everyone and then get home to my Little Bear.  I actually requested to be on call that day, so I'm praying I don't have to go in or I get to come home early.  The likelihood of that happening though is slim, since I keep getting messages that they need extra people each shift.  Bummer.
Little Bear is getting to be so much fun now.  He's more and more expressive, starting to laugh, scooting around the play gym, and "talking."  I just don't want to miss too much of the new stuff.  I am very thankful though that he is napping now.  He goes down easier each time.  He's also taking the bottle fairly well.  He still prefers the "real thing," but at least he won't starve while I'm gone all day.  God has definitely answered our prayers.

When I put him in here, his head was at the top of the photo, when I checked on him, this is how I found him.

Loves to move and groove

Loves to "bat" at things
Enjoying our walk


Operation Nap - Continued . . .

Last night we had a first.  Little Bear slept for 7 1/2 hours.  I was totally amazed.  He made some sounds at 5 hours, so I woke up.  However, he kept sleeping.  He made noises off and on for the next 1 1/2 hours.  He finally woke up at 6am.  WOW!  I, however, was awake at 4:30 and didn't really fall back asleep.  I know I dozed off now and then.  I kept thinking he was just about to wake up so I better stay awake.  Well, today Operation Nap has so far been a success!!!  He went down for his nap with minimal fussiness.  He slept for 1 hour 45 min.  I even was able to rest for an hour which felt great!  He was awake for just over an hour and a half.  He went down for his second nap with just a bit more fussiness than the first.  But, he only fussed for a few minutes.  He fussed/cried about an hour into his nap, but then went back to sleep.  He fussed again about 15 minutes later.  I checked on him, put the pacifier back in his mouth and he went back to sleep.  He slept a little over 2 hours.  WOW again!  He's currently playing with his new found friend, the Monkey.  I'm rather curious as to how the rest of the day will go.  With the good naps that he's had today, it's allowed me to get a few things done.

Little Bear loves his friend the Monkey
On another note, Operation Feed from a Bottle has improved tremendously as well.  A friend of mine suggested keeping Little Bear in the bouncy seat or swing while feeding him.  Well, it worked.  I think it's because when we were holding him, it was close enough to how I'd hold him while breastfeeding him.  Well, he took the bottle well in the bouncy seat.  We've also recently held him on our lap facing out so his back is to our stomach/chest.  He took 4oz in 10 minutes this way.  He is a sloppy eater, but he's getting 95% of what's in the bottle.  I'm so proud of him.  I'm proud of us too.  I don't know if the sleeping, napping, bottle-feeding things are Mark and I learning and improving, or if it's Little Bear.  Anyway, as a team, we're getting better.  This is a good thing since I go back to work in about 2 weeks.  I'm not looking forward to this.  It's gonna be so hard to be away from my Little Bear.  I know he'll be in great hands though.  On weekends, Mark will be in charge.  During the week, he'll hang out with CC.  The thing I am looking forward to in going back to work, is seeing my coworkers.  But, after catching up with them in a few hours, I'll be ready to go back home.  I have to keep telling myself that God gave me a gift in my nursing profession.  On the days I work, somebody will need the care that I provide.  May I do as best as I can.