
Colorado Trip

We drove to Colorado over the 4th of July.  We were a bit nervous about the long car trip with the kids.  I searched Pinterest for ideas to keep toddlers entertained.  I had a container of all sorts of snacks and another container full of different activities to keep Little Bear happy.  But, I wasted time on the activity container because as long as we had the movie Cars playing, Little Bear was pretty happy.  We watched that one a tone of times.  He watched a few others too.  I felt bad for Little Cub because she still has to face backwards in her car seat.  I had a bag of books and toys for her.  Overall, she did well.  She screamed some for a while, but nothing that I wouldn't expect.  We spent a few days at a YMCA camp near Winter Park for a family reunion.  It was a great time, but just a bit exhausting.  Little Bear refused to sleep in his pack-n-play and insisted on sleeping with me.  Little Cub woke up ever hour and a half to two for 4 nights.  We did a little hiking and even did a little canoeing.  Papa Bear rode the zip line.  I'm glad we went and got to see a lot of family I hadn't seen in a long time.  It was a nice time away from the normal routine.  It was nice to get back home and sleep in our own beds thought for sure.  

The only way we could keep him still when we needed him to be - watching Cars

He had so much fun playing in the dirt.  He wore those boots the whole time without socks - stinky!!!

My pretty girl

Sitting with his cousin watching daddy zipline.  She did such a great job keeping him calm.  He was scared to see Papa Bear up so high.

"Hiking" to the lake.  I'm looking forward to doing some real hiking with them in several years.
playing in the mountain lake

Little Bear just had to stop and pet all the dogs
building a truck with Papa Bear

Painting the truck he and Papa Bear built

I printed this map before we left to keep track of all the different license plates we saw.  By the end of the trip we saw all but 9 of the states.  We even saw Alberta Canada

He always wanted to play this piano - so cute.  I hope he will take lessons in a few years

Just chatting with her cousin

practicing rowing

She enjoyed crawling around in the sand

Little Bear was so worn out after hiking he fell asleep in the car with his head hanging down on the way back to the cabin

roasting marshmallows with Papa Bear for the first time

11 Months Old

Seriously?  She's 11 months old already?  Only 1 more month and she will be 1 year old.  Crazy!  She's walking really well now.  She's sleeping better too - wakes only once a night.  I'm loving that for sure!!!!  Little Cub loves to "read" her books.  I can often find her in her room rummaging through her box of books.  She still loves her Momma Bear and lately has had more stranger anxiety.  She doesn't like me to put her in the stroller and would rather I wear her.  However, with the hot days lately, that's not very comfortable for me.  She enjoys the swimming pool.  She and Little Bear are taking swimming lessons.  Today was a breakthrough for Little Bear and it made this Momma Bear proud.  Little Cub did well too and even swam under water to me.  It's so important to me that they both learn to swim.

She barely stayed still for this pic

Little Cub is 10 Months Old

My sweet Little Cub is 10 months old - this post is a month late (oops).  She is moving so fast now.  She has taken her first steps.  She's a bit nervous when she does it and just does a few at a time.  She prefers to hold onto my hand.  She's sleeping a little bit better and wakes twice a night.  She eats pretty much anything we eat and practically snarfs it down.  Little Cub is starting to imitate sounds and especially likes to imitate her brother.  It's so cute to watch.  She loves to play with his toys.
Such a happy girl 

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands

What a sweet little face!!

wagon ride

She loves Shadow