
39 Weeks Pregnant

Ok, so I'm so so ready to meet Little Cub!!!  I've been feeling pretty good this last week.  I'm just tired and uncomfortable.  I've had a lot of contractions this past week.  So, I thought for sure when I went to my appointment this morning that I would be further dilated and effaced.  But, no such luck.  However, that doesn't mean a whole lot as far as when Little Cub will make an entrance.  I really want to have a v-bac (vaginal birth after cesarean).  Because of my previous c-section, I'm not allowed to be induced due to the risk of uterine rupture.  So, I have to go into labor on my own or end up having the scheduled c-section which is scheduled for August 23.  Knowing this, I asked my midwife if she would strip my membranes.  She did, which was really uncomfortable!!!!  But, I'm hoping it helps.  Also, I work Wednesday and Thursday this week, so that should also help since I'll be on my feet a lot.  Then, I also scheduled a massage for Friday morning.  My massage therapist has induced labor with massage therapy on other women, so I'm hoping it works for me if I haven't gone by then.

Little Cub is still moving around quite a bit.  And, at times I feel like he/she is punching me in rather uncomfortable places.  I'm really looking forward to meeting Little Cub and can't wait to kiss the cute little face. 

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