
Like Father, Like Son

In going through all of our stuff due to packing for our move, Papa Bear came across a picture of himself when he was a baby.  I was totally flabbergasted!!!  I saw Little Bear right away in the picture.  I went through a ton of pictures trying to find one of Little Bear that looked almost exactly the same.  I had trouble find one that exhibited all of the characteristics.  But, I thought the one I chose was fairly close.  It shows the eyes, eyebrows, teeth, dimple, and smile.  I couldn't find one that showed the curl.  Oh well.  Let me know what you think.   But, I think these 2 pictures completely solidify the fact that Little Bear looks most like his Daddy.  I'm soooo OK with that.

Papa Bear as a baby
Little Bear

1 comment :

  1. Yes indeed! And where has that baby on the right (LB) gone?
